May 22, 2012

a fresh mint?

After two years of Microsoft Vista on my Sony notebook (these are the specs) I decided to try a Linux distribution. I use Linux on my desktop, on my servers and on my nas but I was reluctant to use on my notebook due to the well known non-optimal power management issue of the penguin but this time I heard the new kernel is doing something very good so I decided to give a try on Linux Mint 13 RC Cinnamon.

I chose Mint Cinnamon because Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity is too heavy for my notebook (even if I have an nVidia 8400m GT!) and uses too much ram for my taste! On the other side Mint 13 RC is very fast (even without the nVidia proprietary drivers installed), very beautiful (I really like the Cinnamon desktop) and it takes only 380 Mbyte of RAM!
I chose the ext4 file system instead of my beloved jfs because I want to give it a try!

In these days I'll install all the programs I usually use and I'll perform some benchmark so stay tuned!