August 28, 2012

27 good reasons to use Linux

In the Istituto Majorana site I found a very interesting post about 27 good reasons to leave Microsoft Windows and use only a Linux distribution.

To be honest I don't think Linux is the good choice for everyone because there are still applications without a good free alternative (Autocad, Photoshop, etc.) and there are too few games... but for someone who needs to navigate on Internet, write documents, play with music and videos Linux Mint and Ubuntu are a very good choice (maybe the best!)

See you!

Free software, a new opportunity even for schools!

A friend of mine sent me a very interesting link: how one teacher built a computer lab for free

It is a good opportunity to show how free software can change the world in better! How many still-good computers in Italy (and allover the world, I think too) are thrown in the trash only because of the operating system (I guess Microsoft Windows...) or maybe because of a virus or a worm?
With one Linux distribution a lot of old computers can have a new life... better for the users and for the environment!

As far I know there is only one institute in Italy who adopted only free software: Istituto Majorana

Is it the beginning of a new future? I don't know but I hope it!


August 17, 2012

Computer AllInOne DIY? Yes, you can!!!

When I was young(er) I often had the chance to assist a TV program called MacGuyver, about a man able to fix everything using only a Swiss Army knife and his mind.

Today I had the chance to assist something even better: a colleague of mine, Michel Henkel, fixed an old-but-still-good notebook with a double-side-tape and the power (or the madness... :-b) of his mind!

He created a... Frankenstein monster computer!
Here are the images of the artwork: